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Act II


Setup details
  1. With 2 players, return all Weapons from the Warlord ambition box to the supply.

  2. Clear all your Outrage.

  3. Provoke Outrage with Weapons. (Discard all Weapons and Weapon Guild cards.)

  4. Gain Oath of Peace (02) and Arsenal Keepers (03).

    Oath of Peace Arsenal Keepers

  5. Replenish your fleet - if you have fewer than 8 Loyal ships on the map, place 1 ship each in any systems until you have 8 Loyal ships on the map.

If successful
  1. Add 2 Arms Interests (05-06) to the Court deck.

    Arms Interest Arms Interest

If failed
  1. Scrap your Oath of Peace (02).
  2. Add your Arsenal Keepers (03), if you have it, to the Court deck.



Setup details
  1. Place 1 Ceasefire token near each cluster - we recommend in its gate. Place it on its Peace side if you control any systems in that cluster, or on its War side if not. (If you're the First Regent, you control Empire-controlled systems.)

  2. With 2 players, return all Weapons from the Warlord ambition box.

  3. Add Ceasefires (08), Empire Balks at Peace (09), Peace Dividends (10), and Peace Accords (11) to the rules booklet. Explain them to everyone.

    Ceasefires Empire Balks at Peace Peace Dividends Peace Accords

FAQ / Errata

Ceasefires - What happens if a Gate with a Ceasefire token is broken by Gate Wraith?

The Ceasefire is unaffected. It is not considered a piece in the gate or any other space. It is placed there only for easy reference, but it remains permanently associated with the corresponding cluster and can be placed anywhere that players can easily see.