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Act I


Setup details
  1. Gain Parade Fleets (02).

    Parade Fleets

If successful
  1. Gain Book of Liberation (04).

    Book of Liberation

  2. Add the 3 Political Intrigue cards (05-07) to the Court deck.

    Political Intrigue Political Intrigue Political Intrigue

  3. Place the 2 Construction Union (08-09) and 2 Admin Union cards (10-11) behind the Founder's next Resolution card (22).

If failed
  1. Scrap the Book of Liberation (04) and 3 Political Intrigue (05-07).

  2. Add the 2 Construction Union (08-09) and 2 Admin Union cards (10-11) to the Court deck.

    Construction Union Construction Union Admin Union Admin Union

Act II


Setup details
  1. Gain the Founder of the Commonwealth card (13).

    Founder of the Commonwealth

  2. Place the Commonwealth Ambition marker on your Fate card.

  3. Place the Commonwealth Ambition (14) and Call for Armistice edict (15) to the rules booklet.

    Commonwealth Ambition Call for Armistice

  4. Tuck the 2 Armistices (16-17) under Call for Armistice (15).

    Armistice Armistice

  5. Give a Member of the Commonwealth title card (18-21) to each player, including you.

    Member of the Commonwealth Member of the Commonwealth Member of the Commonwealth Member of the Commonwealth

  6. Add Commonwealth Membership (22) to the rules booklet. Explain it to everyone.

    Commonwealth Membership

If successful
  1. Gain Spirit of Freedom (24).

    Spirit of Freedom

  2. Scrap the 2 Construction Union (08-09) and 2 Admin Union cards (10-11).

If failed
  1. Scrap Spirit of Freedom (24).

    Founder of the Commonwealth

  2. Scrap your Founder of the Commonwealth card (12) and the Commonwealth Ambition marker.

  3. Add the 2 Construction Union (08-09) and 2 Admin Union cards (10-11) to the Court deck.

    Construction Union Construction Union Admin Union Admin Union



Setup details
  1. Scrap the Call for Armistice edict (15) and add the Mass Call for Armistice edict (26) to the rules booklet. Explain that it is the same as before, but now the Founder can also call for an Armistice.

    Mass Call for Armistice

  2. Gain Freedom Fighters (27).

    Freedom Fighters

FAQ / Errata

Political Intrigue - In a two player game, does the Crisis affect cause the players to give two favors to each other if a moon is rolled?

Yes. The opponent player is both to your left and to your right.

Commonwealth Ambition - Does the Commonwealth Ambition token ever get moved after it is placed on an ambition?

At any time, if the Commonwealth Ambition token is not accompanied by at least one Ambition Token, return it to Founder of the Commonwealth's Fate card. Also do this during Act III setup.

Commonwealth Ambition - Does the Commonwealth Ambition token count as an Ambition token for the purpose of other effects?

No, despite its name, the Commonwealth Ambition token is not an Ambition token and is only altered by effects that specifically refer to it.

Commonwealth Membership - Are Members allowed to treat Free buildings as Loyal when resolving effects such as planting Hegemon banners?

No, the list of privileges on the card should be considered the whole of what you can do. Free buildings are only considered loyal for the purpose of Tax, Build, and Repair actions.