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Books / Aids

Rules FAQ / Errata

(This section includes general FAQ and errata only for the rules in general. For clarification on specific cards, please view that card's page.)

Are players permitted to discuss non-public information such as Action cards in hand?

The rules are clear that you cannot show your cards to other players. As far as what talk is allowed, this is up to your group. My stance is that any communication is permitted as long as it is plainly stated in a way that is understood by all players. Lying is allowed, but secret communication is not.

This does not apply to items you are specifically forbidden from discussing (explicitly stated on some campaign cards).

When are Setup effects of Leaders resolved?

Wait until all Leader and Lore cards are selected before resolving Leader effects. This is relevant for Leader effects which reveal hidden information.

When a mulligan is taken, where are the discarded cards placed in relation to the cards which were not dealt?

Place the undealt cards on the bottom of the discard, and place the cards discarded in the mulligan on top of those.

When specifically is a "when you Copy or Pivot to..." effect resolved?

If a Copy or Pivot is done and the action from the card (not any Prelude effects) is used to perform the stated action, then the effect triggers after that action is completed.

If a New Action from a guild card is resolved, you are not considered to have performed the action required to trigger the New Action, but you are considered to perform any actions resulting from the New Action's effect. For example, the effect "Nurture (Build): Tax a Loyal city." is considered a Tax action and not a Build action.

Is the "When Secured" effect of a court card resolved before or after drawing a replacement?

Fully resolve the When Secured effect before drawing a new card.

Campaign FAQ / Errata

Does an Event card grant actions if the player playing it secured the Imperial Council in the same round (from an effect such as Dealmakers)?

No. While the card text refers to a Rival playing an event or securing the Imperial Council, it is meant to include the current player.

Can players examine the Lore cards that get shuffled in during campaign setup?

No. The Lore cards are secret until revealed. However, if the deck is searched for any reason at a later time, all players should be allowed to view the contents.

Can I attach a card to another attached card?

Yes. Each card can only have one attachment, but that attachment can have its own attachment, and so on.

What happens if a player needs to setup a Flagship but has no Loyal pieces on the board?

The player should place 3 Loyal ships in a Gate system of their choice, and place the Flagship there.

Can I cede control of the last piece of a type if I still have pieces of another type?

No, the restriction against ceding your last piece considers each piece type independently.

Can I cede control of my flagship?

No. Flagships cannot be removed from the board during gameplay. Replace effects will not resolve if the removal and placement of the specified pieces cannot be completed in its entirety.