Add the Use Imperial Foundries edict (03) to the rules booklet.
Gain the First Regent tile unless the Steward is in play.
If successful
Gain Honor Guard (05).
Add the 2 Rogue Admirals (06-07) and 2 Court Enforcers (08-09) to the Court deck.
Scrap the 2 Imperial Defectors (10-11).
If failed
Scrap the Use Imperial Foundries edict (03) from the rules booklet. (You placed Use Imperial Foundries during this Act's Setup)
Scrap Honor Guard (05) and the 2 Rogue Admirals (06-07).
Add the 2 Court Enforcers (08-09) and 2 Imperial Defectors (10-11) to the Court deck.
Act II
Setup details
Shuffle Command Chaos (13) into the Court deck.
If successful
Scrap the 2 Imperial Defectors (15-16).
Add the 2 Mass Uprisings (17-18) to the Court deck.
If failed
Add the 2 Imperial Defectors (15-16) to the Court deck.
Scrap the 2 Mass Uprisings (17-18).
Setup details
Add Marital Law (20) to the rules booklet. Explain it to everyone.
As a reminder, tuck the second copy of Martial Law (21) partially under the card play area of the map.
FAQ / Errata
Rogue Admirals - How do Imperial ships participate when a Regent attacks another Regent?
The ships participate on the defender's side and can be harmed by the attacker. A Regent cannot attack Imperial ships directly, even with Rogue Admirals. They can only harm them during battle with another Regent.
Imperial Defectors - How is this resolved if there is no Outlaw player, or if the earliest Outlaw in turn order does not have enough ships to replace all of the Imperial ships?
If there is no Outlaw or the eligible Outlaw has no ships, do not remove any Imperial ships. If the Outlaw has ships but they aren't enough to replace all of the Imperial ships, the player with initiative choose which Imperial ships get replaced. The remaining Imperial ships are not removed.