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Act I


Setup details
  1. Gain Merchant League (02).

    Merchant League

If successful
  1. Add the Elder Broker (04), Relic Fence (05), and Prison Wardens (06) to the Court deck.

    Elder Broker Relic Fence Prison Wardens

  2. Place the 5 Cartel cards (07-11) behind the Magnate's next Resolution card (21).

  3. If Mining Interest (CC01) or Shipping Interest (CC04) are in the Court discard pile, add them to the Court deck.

If failed
  1. Scrap the Elder Broker (04), Relic Fence (05), and Prison Wardens (06).

  2. Add the 5 Cartel cards (07-11) to the Court deck.

    Material Cartel Fuel Cartel Weapon Cartel Psionic Cartel Relic Cartel

Act II


Setup details
  1. Place the 5 Monopoly cards (13-17) in the general supply. Place the resource supplies on their respective Monopoly cards.

    Material Monopoly Fuel Monopoly Relic Monopoly Psionic Monopoly Fuel Monopoly

  2. Add the Gain Monopolies edict (18) to the rules booklet.

    Gain Monopolies

  3. Place the War Profiteer marker on the Warlord ambition box.

  4. Add the Monopoly Consent card (19) and War Profiteering (20) to the rules booklet. Explain them to everyone.

    Monopoly Consent War Profiteering

If successful
  1. Gain Prospectors (22).


  2. Scrap the 5 Cartel cards (07-11) and the 2 Extortion cards (23-24).

  3. If Mining Interest (CC01) or Fuel Interest (CC04) are in the Court discard pile, add them to the Court deck.

If failed
  1. Scrap Prospectors (22) any Monopoly cards (13-17) that players do not have.

  2. Add the Cartel cards (07-11) matching the scapped Monopolies to the court deck. Scrap the rest of the Cartel cards (07-11).

    Material Cartel Fuel Cartel Weapon Cartel Psionic Cartel Relic Cartel

  3. Add the 2 Extortion cards (23-24) to the Court deck.

    Extortion Extortion



Setup details
  1. If you're a Regent, tuck the Economy law card (26) on its Closed Economy side under the card play area near the map. If you're an Outlaw, tuck it on its Open Economy side.

    Closed Economy Open Economy

  2. Add Closed & Open Economy (27) to the rules booket. Explain it to everyone.

    Closed & Open Economy

  3. Remember to place the War Profiteer marker on the Warlord ambition box.

FAQ / Errata

Merchant League - Can a player force the transfer of this card's resources by returning favors?

Yes. Even though these resources do not have a raid cost, they can be forced at a cost of 1 favor per resource.

Monopoly - How exactly do the resources on Monopoly interact with other effects?

Any effect that considers the number or type of resources currently in your possession will include the resources on your Monopolies.

Effects that would move a resource in any way will only move resources to or from a Monopoly as if it were the supply. An effect that would move a resource in your possession cannot be used on a resource in your Monopoly.

Effects that trigger when resources are gained or lost do not consider the resources on Monopoly to be in possession of the Monopoly's owner. This means that transfering the Monopoly card does not cause either party to gain/lose resources. Another player collecting a resource from a Monopoly you own does not cause you to lose a resource. Another player spending or returning a resource such that it ends up on your Monopoly does not cause you to gain a resource.

However, if you move a resource from your Monopoly to elsewhere in your play area, you are considered to have gained it, and if you move a card from anywhere else in your play area to your Monopoly, you are considered to have lost it.

Monopoly Consent - Does forcing the Monopoly holder's consent allow multiple resources to be transfered or only one?

Only one. Each resource being transfered requires its own consent. The Monopoly holder may consent to some but not all resources being transfered, and as such, forcing their consent requires a favor for each occurence.

Monopoly Consent - If I return a favor to force a Monopoly holder to transfer a resource, do I need to pay an additional favor to get the Monopoly consent?

No. By returning a favor to force the negotiate action, you also gain all of the necessary consent from the target player to carry out the action. (To force a different player to transfer an asset, you still need the Monopoly holder's consent.)

Act II Resolution - The instructions refer to the card Fuel Interest, which does not exist.

The card number is correct, but the name is not. This should refer to the Shipping Interest (CC04).

Elder Broker - Is the Trade effect considered Stealing? Can it be blocked by Sworn Guardian?

No. This effect is not considered stealing.